No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people

Vaknade upp hos Natalia med henne och Ellen redan vid 10.00 imorse, efter 8 timmar sömn. Fick någon timme senare världens fetaste mensvärk och mådde hur illa som helst. Inte det roligaste direkt! Var hemma vid halv 1 eller något sånt och somnade i några timmar till. Nu har det gett sig och jag har precis målat Svampbob och Mike Wazowski från Monsters Inc (på bilden) haha. Bilden gör inte ritningen rättvisa men å andra sidan så var det första gången någonsin jag målade med färg så resultatet blev sådär. Älskar mina Promarkers som jag fick i julklapp!!

Postat av: Mikaela


2012-01-14 @ 18:58:55
Postat av: Ted

Jävlar i helvete va snyggt!!!!!

2012-01-14 @ 19:25:09
Postat av: nils 19 år

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3< snyggg<3<3<3<3 vacker blogg <<3<3<3<3<3

2012-01-14 @ 21:04:56
Postat av: martina

Just nu har jag 3 stycken superhärliga tävlingar i min blogg! :)

I den första tävlingen kan du vinna ett riktigt trendigt kragsmycke från designbyMW!


I den tredje tävlingen kan du vinna spelet "KÄR-LEK" från RomantiskaPresenter!

Och i den tredje tävlingen kan du vinna ett presentkort på 100kr hos!

2012-01-15 @ 12:07:29
Postat av: felicia - fotokobran

hihi, söt!

2012-02-11 @ 17:52:15
Postat av: Simon

If you want to see your business raising the stairs of development then <a href=""></a> is the only voice website in the world which can help you in this, we can make your dreams come true. We provide the world’s best <a href="">voiceover</a> services which in turn help you to improve your business and will help to raise your business status also.

Our <a href="">voice actors</a> are extremely talented and they are often hired by many big ad agencies and motion pictures. We have almost all types of the <a href="">voice talents</a> which you need like soft voices, pitchy, provoking, comedy, serious etc. our <a href="">voice actors</a> are very much dedicated to their work and spend hours in a recording studio rereading individual lines until the director is satisfied. We make professional videos that describe your work in a very beautiful way which in turn help your business to grow more.

<a href="">Voiceover</a> is the easiest and the simplest way to increase your clients and the <a href="">voiceover</a> services which we are providing to you is definitely worthy of it. Our all <a href="">voice artists</a> are fully and professionally trained, they work hard to meet your expectations and will worth every penny you spend.

We also hire people for <a href="">voiceover</a> jobs and trained them, we provide training for <a href="">voiceover</a> artists, with classes designed to strengthen their natural voice and improve their interpretive skills. Our <a href="">voiceover</a> artists are sounds behind corporate advertisements on the radio, television, and over the Internet also. Our team of professional voice actors also lends voices to animated films and shows. They are extra ordinary talented and they are already worked for many big companies.

So here you are having a great opportunity to increase your business growth and remember that we are the only one that can make your business touching the height of development.

2012-06-09 @ 07:15:13

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